Dear Parents: Chase Us
Dear parent of a teenager,
Remember when we were little and were always after you? We wanted to be with you all the time. We wanted to sit on your lap when you were on the literal toilet.
We wanted to tell you every single thing, especially if you were on the phone (how dare you?). We always had a gift for you: a rock, stick, picture, or craft of a piece of paper taped to another piece of paper.
You were the first person we thought of in the morning and the last person we longed for at night. We chased you.
Things have a changed a bit. We have our own lives and people. We tell you some things, but not everything anymore. Sometimes we want to be in our rooms for longer than you’d like.
We’re our own people now.
I have a secret for you.
It’s your turn to chase.
Don’t give up even when we roll our eyes and resist family time.
Chase us.
Don’t give up when we answer with shoulder shrugs and grunts.
Chase us.
Don’t give up when we don’t want to go to the family thing or say something spicy.
Don’t give up when we act like you’re the most annoying person in the world. I mean, you are a lot of the time, but it doesn’t mean we don’t need you desperately. And I don’t mean just for your debit card.
Being mad for reasons we don’t understand doesn’t mean we don’t like you.
Chase us.
We might not have any crumpled up crafts for you, but we still want to talk in the car over ice cream. We like how you look at us like we’re #1.
We still love how your love feels. Cozy and comfortable. It reminds us of simpler days when things were easy to figure out and all you had to do to in school was color. Most of our best memories live in you.
So even if we act a lil funny, remember: it’s not that deep. You’re not so bad.
Chase us. Ok?
love. HT
(this isn’t license to hug us in front of school or anything, relax)
Also, back to school night is coming up and you may hear some blatant lies about me, pls remember this post.